Claas has released a new smartphone app to help operators optimise the efficiency of Lexion harvesters.
The new technology is a scaled-down version of the company’s Electronic Machine Optimisation System (CEMOS), an on-board system that automatically adjusts key settings to maximise throughput, grain quality or fuel efficiency.
Claas says the fully automated function can improve output by up to 20 per cent.
Lexion product manager, Jono Ham, said the CEMOS Advisor app is ideal for use in the estimated 500 late model Lexion harvesters operating in Australia.
“Combine harvester operators usually have to rely on their experience or intuition to rectify grain losses or other problems by manually adjusting individual settings,” he said.
“By comparison, CEMOS Advisor is an objective decision-making tool that guides the operator to the most appropriate settings, step-by-step.
“The operator enters their query into the app using their smart phone.
“The app will then suggest the correct settings to improve efficiency or throughput based on the recommendations found in the operating manual.
“The operator can then adjust the settings and check to see if that recommendation has been effective.
“If not, the app will provide further recommendations until it finds the best settings for the prevailing conditions.
“These settings can be saved in the app for use at a later date.”
Mr Ham said the CEMOS Advisor can help to improve the expertise of all operators, regardless of their experience.
“This app helps to improve their knowledge of the effect of various settings.
“For example, the driver can make accurate predictions regarding grain losses by entering different values using the app and then learn how to minimise these.
“All in all, this is a really smart tool that is free and does not require a terminal.”
The CEMOS Advisor app is available for both iOS and Android operating systems and can be downloaded from the app store.